Congratulations to Emma Walters for placing eighth overall in the Horsemanship portion of the New England Equitation Championships. This unique competition includes a written test, practicum and an over fences phase, which tests the knowledge and talent of these young riders! Great job!
SBS thanks Amanda Schurr for her great rides and to Randi Byrd, Shane Powell and Matt Martin for all their help!
From Emma: “I had a blast at the New England finals! Touch and I ended up 11th in section B Open Equitation, 15-17, to get into the Challenge of the States and rode for the Graduates team! I also finished eighth overall in the Horsemanship competition, with a 93 in the practicum phase! Thank you Susan Schoellkopf, Shane Powell, Amanda Schurr, and Randi Byrd!”
From Amanda: “I would like to say I had a BLAST at the New England Finals! I have learned so much, and have had so many great opportunities this past summer with team SBS, which has made me a more confident rider. I want to say thank you to Susan Schoellkopf, Randi Byrd, Emma Walters, Shane Powell and the rest of the team for their support and patience with me. Looking forward to my future experiences with this wonderful, supportive group!”
Not to be forgotten, congratulations to Ben and Val Hoban for their USHJA Zone 2 Championship ribbons with Montenegro in the 3’3” Junior Hunters. Nice going team SBS!